01707 260180

Occupational Health And Safety Policy

We as HAZ METAL A.Ş., promise that;

  • We will perform our business in accordance with all the applicable acts and regulations in order to protect the occupational health and ensure the safety of our personnel, who we see as the most valuable resource, minimizing the potential occupational accidents and their impacts, and ensure productivity and quality at business and service production accordingly,
  • We will contribute to the development of the sense of responsibility needed for our personnel by enabling them to realize their positions and responsibilities within the system through the training programs we will organize,
  • We will work on reaching our “zero occupational accident” goal with the participation of our personnel by eliminating the potential risks and we will create a health-friendly and safe workplace environment within this scope,
  • We will continuously develop our OHS (Occupational Health and Safety) system and make it a main priority in line with this purpose, determining new purposes and targets every year.